HUZZAH!! … After a ton of hard work, donations, and fun, we’ve successfully wrapped up this years Summer Revel, reaching a NEW RECORD for donations toward Gillette Children’s and Extra Life!!
Thanks to the incredible generosity and enthusiasm of our tabletop community, we’ve raised an astounding $3,550.66 for Gillette Children’s, setting a new record for Twinheim. This is a HUGE achievement, and we are so gracious and humbled by everyone’s contributions.

This puts us in sight of a 10k goal for this year, and we are super excited to hit that milestone with you!
With eleven tables filled with excited players, two epic adventures, and over nine hours of game-time, our stalwart groups of adventurers were able to vanquish hordes of devils and stop chaos from reigning throughout the city!
Chosen this year were the Dungeons and Dragons Epic Adventures:
- Hellfire Requiem: An Avernus Rising Epic
- DDEP09-02
- Published by Wizards of the Coast
- Tier 1 and 2 Adventure (Levels 1-10)
- The Enemy of my Enemy. A Dreams of the Red Wizards: Obscure Devotions Adventure
- Published by Baldman Games
- Tier 2 Adventure (Levels 5-10)
While Hellfire Requiem called upon adventurers to release Torms Hand from the grasp of Avernus and lay a legendary paladin to rest, The Enemy of my Enemy beheld a mystery of various motives, rumors, and suspects in which each table shared information gathered to make final decisions on what leads to follow. … It was an eclectic pairing and one that challenged players with multiple pillars of play.
>> See our photo gallery of the event here! <<
We’d like to provide a heartfelt thanks to all of the amazing volunteers, organizations, and partners for their help in making this event as successful as it was:
This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the support and dedication of everyone who participated, donated, and volunteered. To think that we could collectively raise $3,550.66 just for doing something we all love to do together. Your contributions are making a real difference in the lives of children and families who rely on the vital services provided by Gillette Children’s and Extra Life.
But you don’t have to just hear our word for it; hear it from the charity themselves:

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity, enthusiasm, and patronage. Stay tuned for updates on Fall Harvest, which is scoped to take place during Extra Life Day on November 2nd.
Keep gaming, and keep making a difference! We can’t wait to see you all there.